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Научный класс для дошкольников


Shelter for children - orphans.

Shelter "I  am the Future"

For those who have nowhere to go...who have no mother...who have lost their father...

The heart cannot remain indifferent when the eyes see a lonely child who is looking for mom, dad, and they will never come... You look and feel your helplessness.


We can do everything!

We can give these children faith in the future, give them care, happiness and a carefree childhood.

We can give them proper education, develop skills and abilities.

We will act, not just watch!


By creating the "I-Future" shelter, the Foundation's team will provide children with:

  • proper living conditions;

  • attention, care and feeling of family comfort;

  • education and assistance in the development of abilities.

Social teachers, psychologists, educators and trainers will work using:

  • methods of art therapy;

  • methods of sports therapy.

Specialists will be involved to open professional sports sections.


Art therapy

​Art therapy has many opportunities in working with children who are pupils of residential institutions. It allows for quick psychological diagnosis and, at the same time, has a therapeutic effect.

  • Support of the child in the process of adaptation to life in a residential institution, including the processing of traumas related to the loss or parting with parents.

  • Help in building a constructive model of family relationships in the child's mind.

Drawing, puppet therapy, music therapy, photo therapy, dance improvisation, psychodrama, sand play therapy, installation, performance...


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Sports therapy

Children who play sports from early childhood are physically perfect, have a strong immunity, a correct physique, good thinking and psyche.

At the age of 6, active formation of new neuronal connections takes place, and the best support for them is sports. And the earlier you start classes, the more opportunities the child will have for comprehensive development.

Classes will be held in the "I - Future" shelter:

  • daily gymnastics;

  • yoga;

  • sports games

It is planned to open professional sports sections:

  • sports ballroom dancing;

  • fencing;

  • sports gymnastics.

Дети на уроке физкультуры
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